Under the Influence is an upcoming Nigerian original series premiering Friday, 24 January on Showmax. The series explores social media fame, diving deep...
ByAdminJanuary 21, 2025Episode 1 of The Real Housewives of Lagos (RHOLagos) Season 3 has set a new Showmax record for the most first-day views in...
ByAdminJanuary 15, 2025Showmax has revealed its 10 most streamed titles of 2024 in Nigeria, based on unique viewers. Eight out of the ten titles ranked...
ByAdminJanuary 15, 2025Distinguished filmmakers, esteemed members of the Nollywood Creative Minds Forum, and honored guests, My friends in the media, Ladies and Gentlemen I am delighted...
ByAdminDecember 10, 2024They seized the big screen last year — Funke Akindele, Toyin Abraham and Mercy Aigbe — when they took full charge of the...
ByAdminDecember 9, 2024As the Nigerian film industry continues to grow and evolve, it is essential that we acknowledge the importance of faith-based films and the...
ByAdminDecember 9, 2024The glamour and glitz of Nollywood shone bright at the Martell Tower Event held in Lagos State. Maison Martell, was an event that...
ByAdminNovember 18, 2024The Actors’ Guild of Nigeria (AGN) has suspended actress Halima Abubakar indefinitely following an extensive investigation. The AGN claimed in a statement that...
ByAdminOctober 18, 2024The Spanish documentary short film My Uncle Manolo by PJ Martínez has been selected to participate in the documentary short film section of...
ByAdminOctober 16, 2024Africa Magic, in a private screening of its limited series ‘My Fairytale Wedding,’ introduced its guests to a relatable romantic comedy story led...
ByAdminOctober 14, 2024