In the hallowed halls of AFRIFF 2023, where stories echo through time and history unfolds on the silver screen, a number of films...
ByEzenwa OkonkwoNovember 20, 2023In Nollywood, one figure undoubtedly stands tall as a beacon of hope and inspiration for struggling actors, Pete Edochie. With a career spanning...
ByAdminSeptember 20, 2023In Nollywood’s storied history, there are a few figures who have left an indelible mark, not just on the industry but also on...
ByEzenwa OkonkwoAugust 28, 2023Fellow admirers of the Nollywood! Today, we embark on a riveting journey through the shadowy corridors of Nollywood’s history – a journey that...
ByEzenwa OkonkwoAugust 21, 2023In the grand tapestry of Nigerian cinema, certain luminaries stand out as the cornerstones of an industry that has grown from modest beginnings...
ByEzenwa OkonkwoAugust 18, 2023In the intricate realm of Nigerian cinema, few names command as much respect and admiration as Peter Edochie. An actor of unparalleled caliber...
ByAbu OnyianiAugust 18, 2023Nollywood has produced a lot of bad guys. These guys like Sam Dede were usually brutish and were gunmen who could be called...
ByAbu OnyianiAugust 16, 2023