A spin off from the sons of caliphate, War, Wrath and revenge TV series follows the story of a Nuhu Bula contesting for a gubernatorial election. Though portrayed as innocent, Nuhu might be just as bad as Buba. The series tells the story of power, classism,betrayal and unwavering determination. Starring Divas like Mofe Duncan, Rahama Sadau, it tells a beautiful story.
The plot unravels with Nuhu Bula’s Ambitious and innocent political Pursuit. Determined to run it fairly against a person that has no fair or honest plan forced his wife to take drastic actions and also play the game dirty. Leaving him behind, Binta did the dirty work while leaving Nuhu in the dark and left Zero Affiliations to him. Characterized by suspense, and political drama the series unfolds to portray how far we can go for the ones we love or bring a dream to fruition.
Set in Kowa, a small city packed with resources, the plot went from easy and a little uneventful to intense as dark secrets, revelations and surprises kept coming our way.
This political drama directed by Dimbo Atiya; War, Wrath and Revenge shows what seems to be a Nigerian political setting. Delving and exploring power dynamics, Aspirations, and deceit. We saw scenes where the power dynamics came into play, for instance, the scene after Binta and Nuhu were arrested and their immediate release authorized through a call. Which is exactly power dynamics in play. It also told the story of vengeance, from the unforgiving Binta to the unpredictable chief Loko, who all made true the film’s story line.
The cinematography was overall good enough, the camera angles and sound quality says lots about the investments and efforts invested to give such pleasing Cinematography.
Each detail within this film told an intricate story, leaving no stone unturned, Dimbo Atiya delivered a well written script which in turn later had great actors. Though it was a good story, some scenes were rushed, they all happened too fast as if they were trying to draw a quick conclusion. Like in the scene where ASP Mariam Kutang tried catching the criminals, the scene felt fast because how do criminals come that unprepared to a place that they were aware was well protected? as I could not wrap my head around just getting to the scene, shootings and in less than 30 seconds, everything was over. The almost no action made that scene which otherwise would have been exciting and boring.
A great script alone doesn’t make a great movie, it takes the combined efforts of impeccable actors and in the case of War, Wrath and Revenge, the actors did an outstanding job. They not only acted, they represented and brought every scene to life, giving it a breath of life. Even with great acting, I feel like Yakubu Mohammed’s role could have easily been played by someone more menacing. Following the story, he was a bad guy, stubborn and spontaneous. His calm and slow demeanor clashed heavily with his character.
More Duncan in the first episodes did not exactly eat his role but in subsequent episodes, he thrashed it and embodied the role of innocent and honest politicians. Bintu played by Rahama Sadau, embodied that ruthless woman only thirsty for power seamlessly. She did it so well and so well that we felt zero difficulty in every step of it, it felt like this was her person and that is great acting at its peak.
Overall, we’ll give it a 3.5/ 5. The cinematography was great, script and story telling was highly admirable but The story would have said and portrayed more instead of what it did. We anticipate more drama and optimal acting in the Season 2 of this series.
By Miracle Marcus