African streaming service Showmax is gearing up for the highly anticipated release of its Original documentary series, “Freemen,” an exploration of the Igbo...
ByAdminFebruary 8, 2024Rahama Sadau makes her debut on Showmax with the original Nigerian reality TV show, “Sadau Sisters.” Premiering on February 12, this 13-part series...
ByAdminFebruary 5, 2024When Africa Magic announced that Chichi Nworah would be producing its most prominent series in recent times and that it would be titled...
ByAdminJanuary 29, 2024Producers: Deola and Dare Art Alade Date of Release: 29th September Runtime: An Average of 50 minutes per episode. Cast: Iyabo Ojo, Toyin...
ByAdminDecember 30, 2023The drama gets even hotter as the newest episode of University of Cruise revolves around backstabbing friends, dangerous games and much more! The...
ByAdminDecember 15, 2023Even more drama is being served in Episode 8 of the interesting series, University of Cruise. The students are settling into a sense...
ByAdminNovember 24, 2023The wait is finally over! The highly anticipated second season of the Showmax Original telenovela Wura will premiere on Monday, 4 December 2023,...
ByAdminNovember 18, 2023Sometimes all you need is a good show to relax after a hard day of work, and Africa Magic has got you covered...
ByAdminNovember 2, 2023