Movie Review


One hour and five minutes movie. Wale Adesanya Films.

Nigerian women come thick most times. And Nigerian men, though they cheat, do not play with their families. These were captured so early in this sizzling movie, Weather for Two.

It is the story of a beautiful family and a mistress in between. Nay, mistresses. The story of how men get drawn to illicit affairs even when they know the dangers just as ants get drawn to fire. The story of how wealthy families constitute nuisances to their children’s home and how African women endure abuse just to stay married. Abuse from their in-laws and pain of living with their beloved husband’s thoughtless randiness.

On the down side, I think the artistic director of this one hour and five minutes movie was clumsy with some scenes. I could not understand how a man would invite his wife on a date and then excuse himself just to engage in sex calls with his mistress. Such a man must be a rabbit. Well, I might be wrong. He could be right. There might be men that insane. Men are insane…naturally. Lol.

The whiteness of some scenes; the upholstery and interior decoration all white and shiny really exuded class. This movie has got class. Damn!

And then, you see a mistress who is supposed to be doing a video call, taking snap shots of her private part during the call. How? And the private part being snapped is conspicuously covered by a black tight. Come on, guys. Well, what do you expect from a soft porn of sorts.

The story unfolds well. You cannot eat your cake and have it. This is the message ‘Weather for Two’ passes. While trying to maintain his illicit affair, the lead character Kolade, earns a reputation of ruining every chance to a healthy relationship with his wife.

The movie also looks at the arrogance of well-to-do families and how it impinges on the health of families. Adesuwa is treated with disdain by her parents in law and she has to deal with this alongside her husband’s serial cheating habit.

Mobile phones have ruined more relationships than one can imagine. The mobile phone culture, or should I say, craze, was elaborately explored in this movie.

Cheating is not easy o. Keeping secrets is also a lot of work. Life could be simpler but who wants a life without complications and stress? This minimalist cast movie did a good job at sinking these realities in.

The suspense was also above average. The locations used were top notch. But I could not understand why such a rich kid character would wear almost the same trousers all through the movie.

“You choose to remain in a loveless marriage because you are so afraid to walk away. Instead, you cheat and keep harems of girls.” Words on marble.

I love that crime scene. It was perfectly executed and the director should be proud of himself just for that scene. The movie takes on a pace that leaves the viewer catching his breath. The suspense is heightened to an insane crescendo. Who killed Nse? Jamb question… Good job, guys. You got me hooked. But, that bloodied knife should have been put inside a plastic bag fast.

It begins to make sense towards the end of the movie. The motive behind why Kolade and everyone else act the way they do is unveiled peel after peel. The vision. The search for redemption.
The bloodied knife that came to life from the vision. Deux ex machina for Kolade. God is great.

The smoking mum. Una done burst my brain. The overbearing mum. Tina Mbah who played his mum was as fiery as can be. In charge. Burning hot both in looks and in demeanor. Clinging only to a stick of cigarette while executing orders and putting everyone in their place.

The way Kolade connected the dots. The flashes. The big brown envelope. The revelation. Kolade the hunk. The puzzle. Wow. This is the first Nollywood movie that ended with a bang!…and more questions than answers. Weather for Two.

By O’Star Eze

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